Leadership Development
When I first became an area director in 2014, I was advised "Join a leadership club." The district has a number of clubs which focus on leadership. In Divisions B and D, we have Spirit of Leadership, The Leaders and Leadership Summit.
While an area director, I became a club mentor. My leadership development was in overdrive. I was over-committed so didn't initially renew at Spirit of Leadership. However, in 2016 when I became a division director, I felt I needed a support network. I have been a member of Leadership Summit since.
Leadership clubs have much to offer, including some exceptional members who exemplify "leadership." Colleen Hamilton, a member of two leadership clubs, likes the "higher standards" that specialty clubs provide.
"The Leadership Summit Toastmasters Club is a Leadership Development club. Our meetings feature advanced training seminars and panel discussions. If you are a Toastmaster who aspires to become a better leader, club officer, or district leader, Leadership Summit Toastmasters will challenge you to find creative solutions to all types of problems." That is their mission statement.
In Toastmasters, many of us are working on innovative planning or visionary communication or persuasive influence. We are all working on leadership skills and development. Are you contemplating further developing your leadership through a district role such as area director? If so, please visit one of the leadership clubs.
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