Finding D'Vision for the Division

Toastmasters has been hit hard by COVID-19.  Some clubs have thrived with Zoom meetings.  Some even have become national in scope as people from California or Texas or Tennessee join in on local Twin Cities meetings.  But, many clubs have noticed declines in networking time and mentorship time.  Overall, membership numbers have declined and personal interaction has been cut back.

What to do?  I have two ideas.

First, we need lots and lots of leadership.  We need area directors.  We need support for area directors.  We need contest Toastmasters.  We need lots and lots of events.  Without plentiful leadership, well meaning volunteers end up burned out.  Toastmasters should be fun.  If people are feeling that the effort is a grind, it will sure help that there are others around to grind some coffee for us, to provide moral support and to re-enthuse us.  If you have been a district leader before, please help out the next generation.  If you are new to Toastmasters leadership, my promise is to try to keep it fun.  Please let me know if you can help, even just a little.  If more people are involved in defining our plans, our plans are more likely to succeed.  Teamwork makes easy work.

Secondly, though many of us are great fans of Zoom meetings and have huge respect for the COVID-19 virus, most of us need interaction time.  I'm double boosted, still wearing my mask and am watching the Johns Hopkins daily video each day.  I don't want us to be spreading disease.  Outdoor events, if we are not directly talking into each others face are quite safe, however.  So, lets do that!  Let's find parks and open spaces.  We can bring in portable sound systems and have open houses and public contests outside when the weather is nice.  Bring the kids.  Bring the picnic baskets.  The more the merrier.  Let's bring our Toastmasters clubs outside to meet the world!

I am currently reaching out to Toastmasters I have interacted with over the years.  As a candidate for Division D director, I have the start of a vision.   Do you have a vision for Division D?  Could you help mentor a new area director?  Can you start a new club?  Could you be a contest Toastmaster or chief judge?  Do you know someone who would benefit from leadership opportunities?  For our clubs and for ourselves, I am looking forward to growth in 2022-23.  


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